Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Culinary Skills or Lack of it

Although Guestau says "Everyone Can Cook" in the movie Ratatouille, i tend to strongly disagree with him.

Some of the actual stories / experiments i heard have ended in utter disaster.

A friend asked me the recipe of how to cook rice. That prompted me to invite him over for dinner rather than disclose the "secret" recipe.

There was this another instance when one of my acquaintance was trying to prepare tea. He literally filled 3 cups with milk and was about to add the tea powder when someone stopped and explained him the difference between preparing tea and coffee.

There was this occasion when we were new to this country and used dhania powder and thought it was garam masala for close to 6 months.

The other common errors included not having gasket on the cooker lid, starting the burner and putting the vessel on a differnt burner and using salt instead of sugar (damn.. both look similar)

Cooking is an art which needs to be mastered while eating comes very natural !!

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