Saturday, May 13, 2006

Send this to "xx" number of people and your wish will be granted

Holy Lord. I never knew god would keep a track of number of emails i forwards. guess god or rather gods have lot of time in their hands.

i dont understand how this thing works. could any of the wise and loyal followers of this blog throw some light on this :)
the funniest part is people click on the reply to all and you end up getting hell lot of "same" mails. i remember back home i used to get these mails that nokia would give free phones if you send this mails.

The latest one doing rounds is " send to 6 people and the person whom u love will pop up on the screen". Has artificial intelligence levels risen so high that it can guess what a person thinks ? suggestions welcome

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

as long as sending emails is free and there is ONE "reply to all" button. Question you ask yourself before forwarding is "why not" instead of "why". Humans like easy money, easy love and easy everything else. And my friend, remember, all those "friends" who forward you these emails may not be "friends" after all. Did you know that not forwarding these emails brings on usually 7 years of bad luck!!